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Walmor Boza

Walmor Boza

  • Sku WB

Walmor Boza began his international career at the 6th edition of the Festival de Guitarra Andres y Sierras in Argentina. 

In 2016, Walmor participated in the third edition of the Festival Guitare in Cevennés, France. Then he was invited to one of the most important music festivals in Brazil, the 34th edition of the “Oficina de Música” in Curitiba. 

During 2017, he graduated from the University of Alicante with the title of Máster de Guitarra Clásica. Walmor had the opportunity to study some of the greatest maestros of our time in Alicante. These include the likes of David Russell, Manuel Barrueco, Pepe Romero, Duo Assad, Fabio Zanon, and Xavier Diaz-Latorre. 

After graduating, he again participated in the Oficina de Música in Curitiba in 2018. As well, he completed an 18 concert tour of the province of Paraná. 

In 2019 he made his debut with the chamber orchestra“CamerataAntiqua de Curitiba”, Brazil’s most important chamber orchestra and played again in the Oficina de Música in Curitiba. He also recorded and released his first CD, titled, “Recital”. 

Walmor then completed a second Masters degree at the Unespar – EMBAP in 2021. In addition to the guitar, Walmor has also studied period instruments such as the vihuela and theorbo. His principal teachers have been Fabio Zanon and Silvana Scarinci.

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